Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Live out loud, because there's no such thing as privacy any more

(And if you think there IS, you're probably old, or a tribal nomad.)

I had a conversation with a coworker today, who gleefully told me about an issue that's cropped up at his alma mater, Univ. of Northern Colorado. Seems one of his UNC profs has been charged with some sort of "sexual misconduct" -- and he said that within about 24 hours, it was all over Facebook, and all his old buds from college who knew the prof were hooting about it. The story's here.

So, what's the point? Simple: that no matter who you are or what you do, nowadays you have to just assume that if you do something assinine, it WILL get out, and it will probably get our like wildfire once it hits Facebook. Especially if you have people anywhere in your "seven levels of connection" who are regular Facebook users.

So, if you do something stupid, or something illegal -- it WILL catch up with you. There is no stopping it.

Makes you wonder how "image managers" of the next century are going to work!

I am waiting and hoping to see a story break on Facebook, and I will watch with joy when it does.