Saturday, April 11, 2009

Twitter, dammit, twit

Two screens -- one on the laptop, beside it the flatscreen. Typing this entry on the laptop screen, while watching a "how to use Twitter" YouTube video on the other.

I admit it -- I'm just not "there" yet on Twitter. I haven't gotten the hang of it yet, haven't "cracked the code". PJ has, though. He's got nearly 1000 followers, and is following over 1000 now.

I just can't fathom that. I did a post a couple days ago just listing "people I care about" that I could think of in a couple moments. Maybe 3 dozen or so, starting, of course, with the fam, and then just hitting a bunch of random people -- some work, some not -- and I stopped when it felt boring.

How do you follow 1000 people? Who's so interesting that you'd want to follow them?

I wanna drink the Kool-Aid! seems like a good place to start... according to this YouTube video.

I love technology. But it was even cooler back when I still felt like I was living and working on the bleeding edge -- now I know I'm just over the Chasm, not even close to a trailblazer. Those were the days!