Friday, April 17, 2009

The sound of one hand clapping

Ayla just gave me a hard time about blogging, because I quite obviously don't have a gazillion followers. And, from her perspective (and I know she's not alone) -- what's the POINT, then? If you're writing stuff and publishing it, but you're not focused on building your list of followers, what's the POINT? Why bother?

We had a team meeting the other day. The two guys in the group, who've embraced FAcebook and Twitter, were comparing the length... of their follower lists. Boys will be boys, and it will always be about size with them. Poor fellows. I could care less if I "build up my followers/readers" -- I KNOW that probably 95% of what I post is totally mundane... but I think Erma Bombeck felt the same way.

Honestly, I'm not writing anything for Followers. I'm simply putting fingers to keyboard because I have to, I'm compelled to. Since I was able to write, I have loved to write -- that is my truth, and no matter how busy I've been, no matter where I've been in life, I've ALWAYS written. I have a huge box of journals, and I don't usually do boring "Dear Diary" entries (Note I did say "usually").

Words are my friend, and I love to be in their spell. At some point, I will have a life where I feel OK to dedicate myself to words. I may be old and grey by then, but I don't care -- I KNOW that's where my life is heading.
