Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What to do when a stupid cat scratches you

According to my doctor, who poked and prodded my football-sized, painfully swollen hand -- BABY SHAMPOO, AND LOTS OF IT. If you get bitten or scratched badly by a cat, use regular ol' Johnson's Baby Shampoo liberally and wash and wash and wash it. Try to really work the shampoo into the wound -- because it's "tearless" for babies, it won't sting the cut.

I wish I'd known.

Instead, I just poured hydrogen peroxide on it over and over until it stopped bubbling. Apparently, that was not good enough, because yesterday morning I woke up with a huge, throbbing, red... football at the end of my right wrist. Two nasty puncture wounds.

Doctor visit copay, $20. Antibiotics, $70. Painkillers, $10. Time off from work, priceless.

But I still love the damn cat.