Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Brenna shows me crazy stuff

Today's little entry from my drive-by daughter was

Nothing like having your 20-year-old daughter swing by with her live-in boyfriend to (a) pick up cash and a check -- thanks, Mom! -- and (b) show you Web sites about misbegotten spawn of teens. Arrrrrrrgh.

She's a great, steady, smart, hard-working kid, and so's her BF. He's been growing on me, like fungus, I guess. It drove me insane when she hooked up with this guy so young, so young, so young... but that's reality.

I work with a woman I adore who got married to her high school sweetheart, had several kids, and now, maybe 25 years later, is still happy and still married.

So I guess these teen fling things CAN work out.

I just don't want to be a gramma yet.

(At least I can always count on the calendar to bring a visit from my daughter -- she knows exactly when I get paid. And I see her quite promptly.)

And, my little sweet Ayla has once again forsaken her glorious mane of beautiful copper red, and gone for platinum blonde and bleached Asian or Russian extensions. Who do they GET that "real human hair" from? Insane asylums? I never know, and don't wanna know. Global commerce at it's finest.

And today, our President and his wife gave the Queen of England a flippin'iPod. Speechless, am I. At least she had the good grace to give him her standard "I don't give a flip" portrait of herself and her Consort.

Another day goes by, and we had lovely spring snow. That's a very good thing. And always will be.

I love my daughters, and I love my husband, and my cats and the dogglets are the best. What more could a person want?