Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pack it on!

Brenna showed me this site -- -- that's hilarious. This one's called the Porkgasm.

I wonder if people in India or China look at this page, and think, "stupid Fat Americans" -- probably. There are a bunch of skinny little factory managers in Bangalore or Kuala Lumpur, making my plus-sized Ulla Popken threads, looking at stuff like this and just shaking their heads.

Some of the things just make you ponder -- the Meta-Pizza is a pizza topped with mini-pizzas. And you CAN deep-fry damn near anything, including guacamole.

I remember seeing this Discovery Health special that I wish I could find, but I can't seem to pin it via Google -- it was called something like "I Eat 33,000 Calories a Day". I think virtually every item on this Web site fits that menu.

I'm a big broad, but that's just who I've always been, I'm just built like a medieval Irish peasant, built to crank out babies and work at hard labor. I don't diet -- I've given up on that bizarre American fad -- but I generally eat good, close-to-the-earth, simply prepared food. Not a junk food junkie. I don't graze at 7-Eleven or vending machines. Popcorn is probably my biggest junk food thing, and that's only occasionally. But I'm not built wiry, never have been.

Looking at those ridiculous food photos is hilarious -- but not to actually EAT them!