Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Decloaking Part II

Had lunch with my coworker today, who gave me a really good rundown about things he's learned about using Twitter recently. And, it's made me finally decide that, okay, I AM going to decloak about my blog, and going forward, I'm going to make some changes to the direction and focus of the thing.

Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder.

I never did have a "thesis" for having a blog -- honestly, I've used it to vent, more often than not. (I'm always careful, even then -- I don't ever comment about my employer, unless I have something mildly vague and definitely positive I want to say. And truly, given MY employer, saying nice things is really very easy, because I'm happy there, the people have integrity, and it's an overall good place.) Still, we've all heard horror stories about people who've posted something about their job on their Facebook page and gotten fired as soon as the HR department found out, or people who've posted something that made them look like a jackass that had nothing to do with their employer, but once the company found out, they still got canned.

So, that's a realistic fear for ANYBODY who has both a paycheck-job, and a blog or a jones for sounding out on the Web. But, Pollyanna that I am, I've decided that coming from good intentions and being an overall polite person should keep me in line -- I DO self-sensor routinely, and I don't flame out anybody publicly (unless they're a jackass Quiznos manager who sends a poor Mexican out to broil in a vinyl suit in 100+ degree weather. (And that was way before I started my job, anyway.)

Okay. So. I've decided I'll share my blog URL with a few people. If you're reading this -- well, hello! I am, indeed, a coward about this -- and yes, I've deleted a bunch of posts, just in case.

But, for the record -- my heart is in the right place, I will be careful what I say, just as I would OTJ, and I'll definitely keep my charming husband's bizarre comedian friends' influence from showing up here. (At least, I'll try!)

But dammit, I am NOT at work, I'm at home -- and I still need to have some element of "me" that's not "me at work" -- I'll just have to practice at how to blend those.

We'll see if I can be successful, or not. Hope so.