Friday, March 6, 2009

If this catches on, I'll be out of work

There was an interesting article in the Denver Post today about living frugally. Seems people are learning how to live without the absolutely crazed consummer-borrowing culture we've nurtured over the past decade -- WHAT a concept!

Since I work for a company that earns its keep by... consumer lending... this could be a scary thing. But damn, I love the concept. The funny thing is that we've sort of been living this way for the past several years.

I have no credit cards. I do have a corporate credit card for business purchases, but that's basically because I let them know that I was not going to be funding the business of business on my dime, and waiting for reimbursement. Not everyone can get away with this, I know, but it was just a plain fact for me. I don't imagine I will every really "want" to get a credit card again in my life -- though perhaps at some point I might finally do it again, but it won't be for at least a few more years.If they even still exist by then!

Credit cards. I hate them. Now, I have to say that MY company, as a credit card issuer, is actually one of the very rare "good guys" in a slimy business, and I can hold my head up and tell people honestly that if you need a credit card, ours really IS a good deal. 'nuf said about that, since I don't like to talk about my employer on my blog.

But... it DOES put me in a weird position, just with some of the "behind the scenes" stuff I am exposed to, working in this industry. I know more than the average bear consumer about how collections works, how lending decisions are made, etc. So that colors my perspective.

The whole financial industry is in a crisis (duh!). yesterday, the news said US unemployment had hit 8.1%, highest since about 1984ish. I know a LOT of people who have been laid off in the past three months or so. Scary.

I remember being laid off; marketing is usually one of the first departments to go under the scalpel during bad times. I've been through it more than once, and it sucks every time.


Things are still overall good in America. And I remember that. But I LOVE the idea of just living frugally. Next thing to check out is a site called Freecycle. Actually, I know I had looked at this a few years ago, but it hadn't hit its tipping point yet, at least where I was. Now, I see that there are a bunch of Freecyclers right in my area.

Especially since Marty's been so sick, bit by bit, I've been going through all my stuff -- storage stuff, infrequently-used stuff, and trying to figure out how to get rid of it. I love the idea of barter -- that just fits me. So, who knows? Maybe I'll become a dedicated Freecycler...