Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thoughs on Decloaking a Blog

This has been weighing on me for several months. One way or another, I've had a blog going since about 2002, though I've pulled the damn thing down multiple times, changed servers and names, and generally been very reluctant to decloak about it. I'm weird about blogs -- I honestly don't follow very many of them, but when I do, I tend to do a deep-dive into a blog for a short while, reading nearly every new and archived post before I lose interest and move onto something else.

I've never "settled myself" about what my own blog is, or what it should be. Sometimes I have posted things that I have later decided to pull down because it was just too damn much truth to have out there on the Internet. And I've had this unreasonable fear that "people I know" will stumble across my blog and read it -- though, since I've always been uber-diligent about not promoting my blogs, keeping them squarely underground, and trying to make sure people DIDN'T find it -- one might ask, "so, what IS the point of having it?"

I guess it's simply because I have always loved to write, ever since I was a kid it's been like a pressure-relief valve, and this is somehow more satisfying than writing into a notebook, which is something I have also done for years.

So, where I am at right now, is on the fence about this incarnation of my blog. Even though I've made the cowardly decision to delete out a lot of my posts, there is still a bunch of stuff I've decided to leave that, well, leaves me vulnerable to people who might read it. Not yet sure that's okay with me.

I've watched one of my coworkers start up his first blog, and although he's only been at it a couple of months, he's been doing a really good job -- his posts are interesting, he ranges far afield with "business-related" content as well as a light smattering of personal reflections and anecdotes. He started it because our company is trying to get deeper into "social media" -- and we will start a blog at some point this year. Which has me thinking about my own blog, and my reticence to share it with my team, because I just don't feel okay about decloaking to that degree, since I've mostly posted personal musings and not business stuff.

I still don't know what I'm going to do. We'll see.