Saturday, March 28, 2009

Finally decided how to handle this... Chimera!

OK, I've finally figured out how I'm going to handle the Blog Thing that's been bugging me for weeks. And it's actually quite simple: I'll shape-shift.

I had fun looking up the definition of CHIMERA. Greek mythological character, consisting of "diverse parts" all held together: part lion, part goat, part snake, part dragon. Parts. I have parts. And I'll just... do a chop-shop thing and part them out.

So, I've recently started two new blogs, that are designed to hit two different themes. I wouldn't presume to say "two different audiences" because that presumes that there IS an actual audience, that Constant Reader has been drawn to my scribblings (or "key-twitchings").

That's the joy of blogging for me -- I honestly don't care if anyone ever reads what I post, and I'm not focusing on trying to build a readership. I have to do that enough at work; when I'm home, and thinking about my own stuff, I honestly don't care if anyone pays attention or not.

That's Guy Kawasaki's view, too -- at least on Twitter. "If you don't like what I'm writing about, then Don't Follow Me." Very simple. And I'm big into simplicity right now.

But that's something for another blog.

Simplicity means... getting rid of stuff. That's the #1 goal right now.

I figure we'll move some time next summer. When we do, I want to have about half the stuff we do right now, maybe even less. I hate being bogged down by consumer claptrap.

Any way -- I'm at the point where I'll start inviting people who've been curious, to know where this blog is.

There are maybe a handful of people that I could be arrogant enough to thing they'd really like to read some of my posts to get a better understanding of who I am... and they just might do that. But I'm copying and deleteing stuff to other, more appropriate locations.

(Whoa. Arrogance check. That sounds like maybe I'm either an axe murderer, or I have some other sort of mysterious other life -- SO not the case, but as I've posted ad nauseum, I just flat-out have not become comfortable with how to mix/mingle "me-Laura-not at work" with "me-Laura-OTJ". I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I'm really quite a boring person! I just maybe harbor some "non-bland" ideas and opinions that I would never dream of expressing OTJ. And if an y OTJ people start to scan my blog, I need to make damn sure they realize it's OK to have a personal opinion as well as a public opinion.