Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Springtime Family Sounds

Brenna and David and Marty and I went to the Tanner Gun Show today. I think he owes me some sort of foofy, girlie event at some point.

Walking the Gun Show made me feel like those times when I used to browse the "seriously foreign" grocery stores in San Francisco -- the Asian or Russian stores. You can occasionally spot a few things that you believe you recognize, but the rest of the merchandise could just as easily be from Planet Vetsuvian, from long long ago and far far away.

Who ARE these people? I know they all listen to the same radio stations that my husband does... but when they all come out of the woodwork at once, it's... interesting.

But, hey, we did get matching ear protection for when we go to the gun range, so that's something.

Right now, I'm at my desk typing this, listening to the happy sounds from downstairs. Ayla's off with her new BF, and David and Brenna are here with Brenna's friend. I can hear the happy-laughy sounds in Brenn's voice, that I miss so much. Seems like so much of the time when she's here, she's pissed off. Right now, I'm just luxuriating in the sound of happy family coming from downstairs... I don't want to jinx it, I just want to hear it continue.

And, as a bonus -- they CLEANED the Back Yard for me!!!!! Picked up dog poop and all! I'm so happy about that. I can start planing seeds and stuff soon... spring officially started yesterday, it hit about 74 today, and it's just a lovely, lovely day.

I was sick as a dawg all last week. Totally bleah and wiped out. I ended up missing three days of work, and I slept and slept. Slept all day yesterday (Sat) too. When your bod's sick, it tells you.

It's a pretty day. A happy day. All is well with the world, and I hope it stays this way.