Thursday, March 12, 2009

PJ, for you

OK, last one, I swear.

PJ -- it's all your fault. You're the one who made the blurring of the lines foremost in my head the past few weeks. I'm trying hard to think of a really super-cool baby shower gift for you and K, and I'm still struggling. But this is what you get for making me thing about decloaking my blog. Dammit, now I actually need to DO it. (like there's something so big, it needs cloaking - "what the hell is my problem?")

(I actually told my boss that George Stephanopolis had Tweeted a response to you, but I was a dork, and it was the other way around -- but she was impressed. God! We just don't understand this stuff enough yet.)

As I think all the time and don't get to say enough -- I am BLESSED to work with and get to know some flat-out amazing people with my job. Just amazing. A rare breed. I thank my lucky stars all the time that work has included people who have Greatness within them. You're on that list, buddy.