Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The Borg, the Borg

Halleleujah! I landed a vendor gig at the local Borg software sales office. It's GREAT to be back in the saddle with my former employer, even if it is a pseudo-relationship instead of straight employment. The money's OK, even if it is tech, which I SWORE I wouldn't do again. But, that's OK! I'm able to take care of the girls and pay the bills -- and that's the job of a parent. Right now, that's what matters most. Eye on the ball.

I am still working to get plugged into the local community, though. We started attending church at the local mega-barn christian conglomerate -- whoa. It's a flippin HUGE place, a Complex. But I have to admint, Sundays are interesting now, and have structure.

But my Catholic granny is probably spinning in her grave -- it's "Christian" but not Catholic. Still, I know it's good for the girls, even if B hates going. A seems to like it... maybe join the Choir????

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Library Love

I have fallen in love with the Douglas County Library system. After suffering through "substandard" libraries in both Marin and Seattle, even though we've always lived in more upscale areas that DO support their libraries, nothing can hold a candle to DCL, in my book (Hah!).

OK, the main Marin County Library, located just under the blue dome of the Frank Lloyd Wright County Building in San Rafael... welll, it was always fun to just enter that building, but the selections were weak at best, and the hours so skimpy it was ridiculous.

Douglas County Libraries, though... man! SEVEN days a week! NICE librarians! And, all sorts of really cool media available to check out.

This library has been my friend since we moved here, and I love the library. Just needed to say it.

Monday, May 24, 2004

start at the start

It's been a few years since I've had a blog up and running. When we lived in SF, I had a fun blog, with all sorts of random goodies... but I killed that in late 2003. Too much was happening, not much of it good in our lives... and it just felt pointless. We didn't know where life was going to take us, and I was flat-out tired. So I killed that account. It's probably in the internet wilderness somewhere, but hopefully the server's been scrubbed.

So. How do you re-start a bloglife?

I used to be one of the most flippin' bleeding-edge techies -- but in the past few years, I've basically let go of the reins. Figure this:

We had an Osborne Portable Computer in our house in 1983 -- Wordstar, baby!

We were AOL 1.0 users -- with a free overhead account due to my husband's association with a big PC Magazine Kahuna.

I started working in Tech in San Francisco/Silicon Valley in 1992 -- right as things were heating up. We did a big project for Oracle -- a rap song called "The Record-Breaking Oracle" -- when they first broke $1M in quarterly sales. Woo hoo!

My first true Internet gig was at the Seattle start-up, Spry, that created "Internet in a Box" - the first consumer packaging of the Mosaic browser. (I remember the sales rep in the cube next to me, all surfer-twang the say Compuserve bought Spry - "Dooooode! It's Awwwwwesum! We're gonna make gnarly millllllions, bro!")

I'm a Microsoft Corporation Redmond Washington HQ alum -- last gig there was running a marketing team that was part of the big Windows 2000 Launch Juggernaut.

Sick of the rain in Seattle, and left to run marketing at another tech startup, a digital rights management security software co. based in the UK.

Then, back in California, I did a stint as Managing Editor of Reports for Anne Holland at MarketingSherpa, which I still consider to be one of the finest publishers of marketing case studies and practical information, even though Anne Holland is more batshit than Osama Bin Laden.

But that was then.

Now, I'm in Denver, Colorado -- the "West Midwest" -- and it's been a weird ride since getting here.

So, this blog is to be... whatever the heck it will be. Read it, or not -- I'm going to write it, and that's enough for me.