Saturday, September 20, 2008

Simple pleasures, simple joy

I frequently think about all the happy, hopeful, good things in my life I can be thankful for. Sometimes this is bittersweet, because I have realized that, over the years, my interests have sharpened, focused, and narrowed -- and honestly, I never though that would happen. Maybe that's just what happens as you mature; you tend to gravitate toward things that you love and know. Maybe that's why it's so hard for people to change, or to deal with change. I don't know.

I'm happy about, and thankful for:

My family -- though they do test me, they're right at the top (OK, so I guess that just means I'm normal!)

The ever-changing fur menagerie -- I have lost count of the total number of pets we've had over the years, especially the string of Snowball cats. WE went through a lot of tuxedo cats! But Queen Sierra, she is The Cat Who Stayed. She's been with us since her kittenhood with a Marin County Witch.

Taking the woofs to the Bark Park -- and all the happy doggies there. Always makes me smile.

Reading a good book -- or listening to one. Especially if a good book is being read by a good reader. I love that!

The silly vintage landscapes I've somehow found myself collecting over time... I just adore those luscious, golden, Technicolor-saturated color schemes, rich with gold and green and blue and browns. Love them.

My beat-up print of Bruegel's The Wedding Dance -- I look at those centuries-old faces, and they always get me. Especially the bride and groom, so innocent.

The Sopranos.


A good movie -- though, honestly, it's been ages since I've seen a movie that struck me as really, truly GOOD, fresh and different. Napoleon Dynamite was the last time.

The FAIL Blog. Hilarious.

The people I work with. I know how fortunate I am to have such a great work-family. Even though I try to be careful to keep "work" and "not-work" separate (I don't socialize with work folks, for example) I really care about so many of the people I work with.

My car. It's old, but it's fully paid for, and I still enjoy driving it every day. I've never had the "new care jones" -- I have always thought it is just plain stupid to buy a brand-new car. The two times we've done it -- both when we were so flush with funds from our production company, and both purchased cash within six months of each other -- it just never sat right with me. Sure, it was nice to drive a new car, but it didn't feel like money well spent. The old, used Cherokee we replaced with the brand-new car was just as good, to me!

Anyway, I need to remember this stuff from time to time.