Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The Borg, the Borg

Halleleujah! I landed a vendor gig at the local Borg software sales office. It's GREAT to be back in the saddle with my former employer, even if it is a pseudo-relationship instead of straight employment. The money's OK, even if it is tech, which I SWORE I wouldn't do again. But, that's OK! I'm able to take care of the girls and pay the bills -- and that's the job of a parent. Right now, that's what matters most. Eye on the ball.

I am still working to get plugged into the local community, though. We started attending church at the local mega-barn christian conglomerate -- whoa. It's a flippin HUGE place, a Complex. But I have to admint, Sundays are interesting now, and have structure.

But my Catholic granny is probably spinning in her grave -- it's "Christian" but not Catholic. Still, I know it's good for the girls, even if B hates going. A seems to like it... maybe join the Choir????