Thursday, September 13, 2007

red, white and books

I've been on a total Revolutionary War jag recently. Started when I read Founding Brothers, which gave me a real aha moment: all those old, white-haired, powdered-wig farts who were the first string of Presidents -- well, most of them were in their 30's and 40's during the Revolution.

So, I started reading about Washington. I never realized he was so flippin tall! 6'4" 200-plus years ago was a HUGE giant man. Dashing and brave. He had to create an army out of nothing but promises and farmboys. No supplies, no decent weapons, not skilled soldiers... and yet, there were some totally crafty generals working for him.

Then I grabbed a slew of biographies -- Jefferson, Adams, Franklin (his autobiography was a rolicking great read)... what brave men they were.

When you look at those stern, formal, frozen faces on the money... it just doesn't come across, does it?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Moving on... down the street

We've fnally decided to move. Oddly enough, we're only heading three blocks down the same street. Weird, I know -- but the deal made sense to us. Damn, I had forgotten (or blocked out) how much work is involved in moving! But it's okay -- new horizons. Onward and upward.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hooray and such

Thank God, we made it to the New Year -- and the family still has an even number of legs! They beat the infection, Marty's got his shiny new knee ---- and, just as soon as we got him home from the hospital on New Year's Eve, we ended up having to turn right around and take him back in, because his gall bladder was a mess and needed to be yanked. I mean, is there no end???

But he has his leg, that's what matters most. More recovery time ahead.