Tuesday, June 17, 2008

a vile vacation

So it's Monday, and I've just wasted two vacation days... I took Friday and Monday off to relax. OK, I did get to do some of that. My house is clean, tidy, I even did a minimal amount of redecorating..

but now the husband's back in the hospital. We're pretty sure this is Visit Ten to our local medical center, after back surgery complications, knee replacement, MSRA, complications, knee replacement, gall bladder, complications, and more complications. Hopefully this is where we start to turn life around.

The weird thing is that Hubby has been working on projects for a guy who I believe will be the Susan Powter of the 2010's - ok, maybe he'll do better than her (hopefully! What ever happened to Susan Powter after her fall from grace?) but this guy's sharp. And, hanging around with a leading proponent of physical fitness, when your physical condition is... poor... is odd. So we'll see what happens.