Friday, June 26, 2009

Growing veggies

I've got tomatoes, basil, Japanese eggplant, and three types of peppers growing in the back yard. So far, I don't have high hopes for the eggplant -- it looks like there are a whopping three blossoms going. The tomatoes are looking pretty good, including the hanging "topsy turvy" one I got for Mother's Day, where the plant grows out of the bottom of a hanging container, and then grows upward. It's very strange, but looks like it has a lot of fruit.

Stephen Covey talks about the law of the farm -- that you cannot throw corn seeds in the ground, and expect to sow an abundant crop the next day. It takes patience, much toil, nutrients, and time. We all need that, don't we?

I've been in analogy-mode this week, thinking about what it takes to learn and master new skills. I'm studying Spanish. It's frustrating and awkward to speak this new language -- it slows me down, I have to take baby steps, but I know that if I continue to apply myself, eventually I will become fluent.

That's the ticket -- time, attention, and much toil, to get what you want.