Friday, June 5, 2009

Old dog learns new tricks

I have to learn how to edit videos myself, rather than hiring a production firm to "do" it for me. Actually, I'm GLAD! I've wanted to learn editing for quite a long time. I love working with PowerPoint, and I'm good at it -- but movement is what's missing in PPT, other than the stock, boring animations and transitions. So I'm teaching myself Magix MovieEdit. I did some research, and I believe this will be a great tool for me, and after spending just one hour playing with it, I can see how it will make sense to me.

I've had the weirdest dreams lately -- I've got this recurring thing about this House we've moved into, that has these unexpected and unused rooms that I suddenly decide to start using. I've dreamed this dream so many times, that I can basically draw out the floorplan of the "mystery house" by now.

I wonder what that means????

Anyway, I'm glad I'm learning to edit. I've wanted to for a very long time. This will be a useful tool.

The software was so cheap, too! I got a new camera and the software, and for just a few hundred bucks, I'm up and running. Gotta love technology.