Sunday, June 14, 2009

How I hate housekeeping

And I guess that's TOTALLY unusual, right? Everyone else likes to clean house? OK, I've been putting it off, and I need to just buckle down and get it done.

I had been paying a housecleaning team to come in every other week, but it was just crazy expensive. $160 a visit! That's way more than I can really afford for such a luxury, and they really did go overboard on every visit. Sure, the place was spic and span, but I just don't see the need to move furniture every single time! I'd be fine with just paying somebody to do the kitchen and bathrooms, vacuum and dust, and be done with it. Hopefully I'll be able to find the time to hire somebody again soon, because I can't stand having to use my weekend time for this! Bleah.

OK. Enough stalling. Gotta go get the work done. Harumph.

The reward later today will be going to see the movie UP.