Thursday, June 18, 2009


Last night I walked into the family room, and found Ayla watching the movie "Cool Runnings". I stood there a minute, and it hit me how much I really like that film, and that I had not thought about it in at least five years.

Ayla said, "I remember seeing this over and over when I was, like, nine." -- that's because it was one of the movies I had in my fairly small video library. But yeah, she did watch it a bunch, because I had it on. I loved the story of gumption and redemption, and success in the face of defeat. And, the music made me happy.

So -- I want to start a list of things that I just plain LIKE, so I don't go another five years before I suddenly remember I like them. And if it's a long list, I don't care.

At first, I thought I'd just publish it here -- but on second thought, I think I'm going to be more organized than that, and start a spreadsheet that I'll save to my Desktop for this. And, if at some point, I want to share some of the list, fine.

But for now, it's mine.