Saturday, June 13, 2009

thunder, thunder, thunderation

those were words from a basketball tournament cheer I vaguely remember from elementary school in San Francisco. All of us St. Cecilia kids would head over to Holy Names School (because unlike us, they had a Gym), bedecked in our Blue and Gold finery, and we'd cheer on our IRISH, our team. The St. Cecilia Irish.

I cannot remember what the HN team was called, but I know they were wearing white and red, those were their colors. We'd be in blue and gold -- they'd be in white and red... vivid memories of, maybe, 7th grade, carefully tying blue and yellow ribbons in my long hair, to 'cheer on the team".

And why the hell is this occurring to me now???? Because as I started typing, the THUNDER started rolling and rolling again outside. What a week of storms we've had! It's been crazy.

All in all, today feels like a very good day, like it's going to be a very good weekend. I'm preparing for Brenna to finally up and move to Florida, which I know has been in the cards for quite some time, but still it's going to be tough to have her... NOT-HERE. She hates to hug me, but still, being in her physical presence is a balm for me. Having her on the edge of the continent will be, tough.

But that's the nature of things.

Work has been stressful but so very satisfying, and different. I know I have been ignoring the staff, but at least I told them to expect this for a few weeks -- and heck, it's good for them to have to just manage around me. I'm not expendable! Good to have them make decisions, even if they decide on things that would differ from my own approach. Learning, we're all being presented with opportunities for learning.

It's turning into a beautiful June in Colorado. Birds everywhere, which is lovely to listen to. Squirrels chattering outside the window. Glimpses of coyotes now and again, especially at dawn. Love it.

Saturday, ah, Saturday. Freedom, MY time. Love it.