Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My idiot dog jumped off the roof this afternoon

This is one of those situations where, if I had somehow been outside with my video camera in hand and rolling, I'd probably win big bux on some "stupidest videos" game show.

Preston McGinty, now AKA Flyboy, noticed that Marty had left his office door open, and, given that the temp today was in the mid-80's, the office window was open. The office is on the second story, and the window opens onto the roof of the garage.

So. Our neighbors across the street were treated to the sight of Preston, the `60 lb. Irish Wolfhound, climbing out the office window on the second story, skittering down the shingled roof, and jumping off onto the cement driveway.

Stupid-ass dog.

The miracle and surprise is that I'm not sitting at the emergency vet hospital right now, waiting while they fiddle with multiple broken Wolfhound legs. Nope. The idiot is just FINE, thankya. Matter of fact, the doofus seems to be QUITE pleased with himself!

Harrumph. Idiot dog.

What else? I've started swimming laps while listening to my audiobooks, and I LOVE it -- I can make an hour disappear without hardly even noticing it. But, I think Marty and Ayla are appalled by the way that I manage it. Two snack-sized Ziploc Baggies wrapped neatly around my Creative Zen player, with the player attached to the top of my head via a rubber band or clip. We went swimming early this morning before work, and they both just laughed at me. I don't care -- THEY were farting around; I was actually swimming many laps. Hah. But I admit, I'm sure it must look pretty silly. Good thing I usually swim where there are hardly any people there.

Ugh. I am so very close to turning 47. THAT feels OLD to me, even though I don't feel old. In my head, I think I'm probably somewhere between 29 and 34, that's what it feels like. I don't feel like I'm pushing 50. 50 feels OLD to me! Ancient. I honestly feel like I'm still almost the same as I was 15 years ago. OK, I'm not quite as limber, and a little slower... but in my head, I haven't changed a bit. No idea what that means.